The LLC (La Leche League) claims that bed sharing makes breast feeding possible and more successful according to many articles like this one that states their reasons for supporting safe bed sharing. I wonder if Barbara Sturmfels, has ever heard of Dayton West whose mother was following "safe bed sharing" guidelines. A mother who wasn't overly-tired, who exclusively breast fed, who was not using drugs of any kind, didn't drink, and isn't obese and yet she woke up one fateful morning with her shoulder pressed into her son's face. His death would have never of happened if she was properly educated on safe sleep and the dangers of bed sharing. What would Ms. Sturmfels have to say about Dayton's story? Or what about Neveah Litchfield whose mother was bed sharing and took every precaution to keep her daughter safe. She put stuffed animals on the floor next to the bed so if Neveah did fall off, she would be protected. One morning she did fall off that bed and landed on those stuffed animals and sadly she suffocated and died because her mom didn't know the dangers of bed sharing. The list goes on and on. There are many stories of moms who thought they were doing what was best for their children by listen to organizations like the LLC, Dr. Sears, & Dr.McKenna. A perfect example of that is Corynn Kernan. This is from Corynn's mother in her own words, "We planned on raising our daughter the same way we were raising our son in the attachment parenting style. No cribs with bars that resembled jail cells for us, no way! Our little one would know how important and loved she was by being as close to mom as possible at all times, especially for on demand night nursing. "This mom believed that  the best thing for her little girl was to bed share, and when Corynn was two months old she died from bed sharing! We want to believe nothing bad will happen to our babies, we try our best to protect them. We research and research on how to keep our baby safe. More and more families are bed sharing and so it only makes sense that before we bring our baby into the family bed we research how safe it is. Dr. James McKenna & Dr. Bob Sears tell their patients how safe bed sharing is and it is easy to find such articles like these that support and promote bed sharing:

Why Babies Shouldn't Sleep Alone
Co-Sleeping:Yes, No, Sometimes?

The problem with articles such as these, is McKenna & Sears do not know how many babies die from bed sharing, they don't research how safe it is, because they are not experts on what is killing babies from SIDS & SUID'S. Did you know that Dr. Bob Sears recommends parents bed share because it worked for him & his wife, not because it is safer. 

Did you know that Dr.McKenna has done studies on bed sharing but in a labatory not in a family's own home, or in their own sleeping environment. McKenna has said some outrageous things when it comes to bed sharing, like babies who sleep with their mother don't cry. Now, I don't know about you but when I bed shared my kids cried to let me know they were hungry, how can McKenna who claims to know so much about babies who bed share and not even know they cry, like any baby who cries to communicate.

Now did you also know that parents who lost their baby to bed sharing after following these doctors (and I use that word loosely) advice refuse to even acknowledge them or their losses. They claim that babies only die from bed sharing if a mom is NOT following their so called "safe bed sharing guidelines" If they believed bed sharing is so safe then why do they have a disclaimer on their pages? 

Bed sharing is being lazy, and I can admit that because I use to be you! I breast fed so I didn't have to get up in the middle of the night to make a bottle and I bed shared so all I would have to do is roll over fed my daughter as we both fell asleep, thankfully she did survive, my son wasn't so lucky!

Did you know 80 % of babies who die from SIDS or SUID die while in an unsafe sleep environment. That bed sharing increases the risk of SIDS by putting a tiny helpless baby in unsafe sleep environment. We are suppose to protect our kids because they are too little to protect themselves. Some of the best mothers in the world, lost their babies by doing what they thought or were told was best!!! Did you know more babies die while bed sharing then babies who die sleeping in a crib? Did you also know you can breast feed successfully without bed sharing? Let me share a couple stories of mothers who breast fed and didn't bed share....
"My name is Leslie and I am from Sydney Australia. I breastfed my son for 7 months and during that time I did not bed share. From day one when my son was ready for a feed I would get him out of his cot and take him into the lounge room to feed. I would feed him, settle then put him back to sleep. I had a few reasons for this. Firstly it was to not disturb my husband while he was sleeping as he had to get up early to work. In the early days I did try once to feed in bed but I found I was to sleepy and got straight out of bed! When I turned the tv on the time passed quicker and it would stimulate me to stay awake & being out of the bedroom made other things easily accessible like nappies, cloths, wipes etc!! When I was pregnant with my son me and my partner discussed our thought on issues like these and for us when our son was up one of us was out in the lounge room with him!"

This is from a mom of three babies who breast fed without bed sharing. She writes...."I became a mother at 17 years old to a happy healthy 5lb 14oz baby boy ... he was and is my word! He and his brother and sister. From the time I found out I was pregnant I wanted the best for him and that included breastfeeding. It would be a lie if I said it was easy because it wasn't. I fell asleep while nursing him when he was 4 days old. I woke up soaked in milk, he was soaked, and his dad was soaked. All of us were wet and sticky... that only happpend once I realized how dangerous that could have been! So from that point on when it was time to get up and nurse I would get a tall glass of ice water (as you become very thirsty in the first few months of breastfeeding). I would either go to the rocking chair or just sit up in bed if I wasnt extremly tired. Never nurse while laying in bed it is too easy to fall asleep when your tired.  I would turn the tv on or I would sing to him while he ate. I would burb, change and back to his pack n play that was pressed against my bed where I could see him without having to get up. I could reach over and touch his chest to make sure he was ok, but never again in my bed. I did the same with all three of my children. I hear a lot of mothers that claim they bed share because of bonding or because it's "safer" or because they want them close. I am here to tell you that you can bond while breastfeeding and not bedsharing. I have 3 times they even have beds that connect to yours so your baby is close to you and safe from the bed time thrashing we all do in our sleep! I have nursed all three of my beautifull babies and support breastfeeding and extended nursing also. What I do not support is LLC condoning bedsharing or telling anyone that it is safe because it isn't!"

Breast feeding can be successful without placing your baby in your bed to sleep. Babies have suffocated while breast feeding and bed sharing, why not bond with your baby while nursing (nursing is so special and something only you can give your baby) It's another way to bond instead of falling asleep while they eat. You wouldn't prop up a bottle if your baby was formula fed so why are you "propping up your breast". They grow up so fast, spend anytime with them you can including feeding. Not to mention newborns and older babies need their diaper changed when they wake up for their feedings, so get out of bed change the baby and nurse and read them a book, sing a song, or just talk to them. Because you can't bond when you both are sleeping!!!

The proper way to do it, comfort for both mother and babies


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